EBARA Chiller & Cool­ing Tower, Japan

We offer wide range of Elec­tric Chillers and Ab­sorp­tion Chillers. All the Chillers are man­u­fac­tured un­der JIS Stan­dard. Ca­pac­ity de­pends on cus­tomer re­quire­ment. High Ef­fi­ciency Cen­trifu­gal Chiller COP is more than 6.3

Elec­tric Chiller

  • Centrifugal Chiller
  • Screw Chiller
  • Scroll Chiller

Absorption Chiller

  • Steam Fired
  • Exhaust Gas Fired
  • Hot Water Chiller
  • Gas Fired Chiller
  • Multienergy Chiller

GF Power, Aus­tria

Gas Gen­er­a­tor Parts & Ser­vice. Com­plete so­lu­tion for Gas Gen­er­a­tor re­gard­ing spare parts sup­ply and main­te­nance

En­ertec Gen­er­a­tor, Ger­many

Our wide prod­uct vari­a­tion in­cludes LPG Gen­er­a­tor, Gas Gen­er­a­tor, Bio­gas Gen­er­a­tor. The ca­pac­ity is up to 500 Kw. Very com­pact and ef­fi­cient de­signs. Ef­fi­ciency is around 43% de­pend­ing on mod­els and with co-gen­er­a­tion this ef­fi­ciency in­creases up to 85%.

Schnei­der Kessel Boiler, Ger­many

Boiler is avail­able for Waste Heat Re­cov­ery as well as Gas/​Diesel/ Dual Fuel. De­sign and ca­pac­ity will be based on cus­tomer re­quire­ment and avail­able heat source. HFO Based boiler is also avail­able.

LDS Diesel Gen­er­a­tor, UK

Ca­pac­ity is 10-2500 Kva. Perkins, Cum­mins or Volvo En­gine and Mec­cA­lte, Newage Stam­ford, Leroy somer al­ter­na­tor is avail­able de­pend­ing on cus­tomer choice.

Kir­loskar Diesel Gen­er­a­tor, In­dia

Ca­pac­ity is in range of 5 to 1010 kva. Com­pact de­sign and e¬ffi­cient gen­er­a­tion .En­gine is Kir­loskar Green.

At­las Copco Air Com­pres­sor, Bel­gium

Ca­pac­ity is based on client re­quire­ment. We pro­vide a wide range of prod­ucts with proper se­lec­tion and de­sign.

Max­i­mal Fork­lift, China

Prod­uct range in­cludes Diesel, LPG, Elec­tric Fork­lifts. Units are com­pact with dif­fer­ent types of en­gines like Mit­subishi, Isuzu, Perkins, Cum­mins, Yan­mar etc. Ca­pac­ity ranges from 1.5 Ton to 32 Ton.