Ac­tive En­ergy Lim­ited in­cor­po­rated on 2016, is an emerg­ing en­ergy so­lu­tion provider which pro­vides prod­ucts and ser­vices fo­cus­ing power gen­er­a­tion, co gen­er­a­tion, Gas, Oil, HFO and Coal Fire Boiler The En­ergy Man­age­ment seg­ment de­signs tech­nol­ogy so­lu­tions for the de­liv­ery, man­age­ment, con­ver­sion and op­ti­miza­tion of elec­tri­cal power for cus­tomers across mul­ti­ple en­ergy-in­ten­sive in­dus­tries.

“We make real what mat­ters.” That’s our as­pi­ra­tion. That’s what we stand for. That’s what sets us apart. A re­flec­tion of our strong brand, it’s the mis­sion that in­spires us to suc­ceed.

Wher­ever we op­er­ate, we are com­mit­ted to up­hold­ing the ideals en­shrined in the Uni­ver­sal De­c­la­ra­tion of Hu­man Rights and con­demn any con­duct con­trary to these prin­ci­ples. We pro­mote ac­tions based on hon­esty, in­tegrity and re­spect.

Our goal is to cre­ate val­ues from ser­vices and serv­ing en­ergy as so­lu­tion that tran­scends costs, and to be­come a cor­po­rate en­tity that al­lows its clients to re­al­ize those val­ues. To do this, our em­ploy­ees do not stay sat­is­fied with the sta­tus quo, and are con­stantly striv­ing for im­prove­ment and in­no­va­tion and pro­vide re­li­able and high-qual­ity ser­vices that lead to solv­ing our clients’ is­sues, re­gard­less of re­gion or in­dus­try.